本稿は柏木義円(一八六〇~一九三八)同様、上州にあって終生、非戦・平和を訴え続けた牧師・住谷天来の、特に晩年の思想・信仰の一端に迫ろうとした一試論である。具体的には老いた天来が、戦争へとひた走る状況のもと、「孤独と貧窮」に屈せずにその志を屹立させ得たのは何故なのかを問うた。ここでは天来の志を支えた世界として第一に、「悲痛」をめぐる逆説的な信仰を、第二に天来を支えた友情の交流圏の存在を指摘しておきたい。 Tenrai Sumiya was a pastor who preached anti-war beliefs and pacifism. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the reasons for his persistent stance against war and for peace, despite his difficulties and sorrows. In examining these reasons, the first thing to note is the paradoxical nature of his faith. The second thing to note and explore is the existence of the network that supported him. These two things suggest how liberty and justice may be established and maintained in in postmodern times.